What Factors Influence Water Damage Restoration in Vernon Business Establishments?
12/8/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Focuses on Providing Enough Resources to Handle Any Expected or Unexpected Challenge
Most commercial establishments have unique characteristics that set them apart from residential properties. The characteristics influence how water damage affects a Vernon establishment and the restoration processes necessary to restore normalcy.
One of the main factors influencing water damage restoration in Vernon establishments is the size of various features in the property. Many installations, whether windows or HVAC systems, are larger sizes, and therefore a simple malfunction can have notable implications. For instance, an improperly sealed window can allow significant rainwater inside the property, leaving massive damage. Alternatively, such a window can interfere with the drying process by allowing air to escape. SERVPRO provides the necessary resources to match the loss conditions in commercial establishments.
The Essential Resources That Help Resolve Water Damage Include:
- Sufficient power to extract intruding water
- Controlled demolition and rehabilitation of the structure
- Establishment of protective barriers
The source of damage influences the restoration processes needed. Source variations can include the location of the leak or its intensity, among other things. Slow leaks from supply pipes or sprinkler systems may go unnoticed for some time, thus deeply soaking wall or ceiling materials. Sudden water release from burst pipes or driving rain involve significant amounts of water. Demolition might be necessary in both cases to reach trapped water or to remove deteriorated materials.
Protective Barriers Might be Necessary for Reasons Like:
- Protecting contents from further water exposure
- To separate affected property sections from the rest of the structure
- To create chambers to facilitate drying
Plastic sheets help create barriers easily. Our SERVPRO technicians provide the skills for a speedy and convenient barrier setup. For instance, when we use spring tension metal rods to create a frame supporting the protective barrier, we can separate wet areas from the rest of the facility within minutes. We can also establish positive or negative air pressure within the contained area for faster drying.
SERVPRO of Greater Sussex County is fully prepared to address any level of water damage restoration, allowing you to resume operations. Call us at (973) 383-2024.